Thursday, August 18, 2005


Well, our saga with a baby crow has ended sadly. Believe it or not, I was really uptight about this crow--felt really responsible to do the right thing for it. I came to the point this afternoon where God was showing me how stressed I was about it and that I should just ask him for help already! So I did. Then I did a little internet research and phone calls on who could take the crow and was trying to find the closest place possible. Well, at 4:30, I was prepared to head north for 1 hour with 4 kids before dinner to take Jose to an animal hospital. I was not happy about this at all, but felt I had no other choice. Jose was not really eating much, walking much, or flying much. So we all get in the car, the air conditioning is on, have crow, will travel. Then I notice that the crow looks pretty strange, and the kids start telling me that while it was loose in the yard, William had stepped on its head and like did something else mean--forced it through a gap in the fence or something. So I'm yelling about this and very upset and William was in big trouble. The bird continued acting strange and not normal or healthy. Then, after acting like it couldn't breathe and its neck was broken, it gave up the ghost. This was both upsetting and a relief. William did something bad, but I think it was really providential, too. Zach buried it in the back yard on the other side of the fence. He cried, and I cried, too. I had a burden lifted was a big reason I cried. But I can get attached and responsible really fast, too. I made it clear to Zach that he had better NEVER, NEVER tough a bloody baby crow again!! (It wasn't really bloody--I just like that English word.)Now I can get ready for camping already!!! GOSH!!!!


Kristi said...

Oh, poor Joe Crow! That's so sad. I'd be put out with Will, too, but I guess it all worked out for the best.

Loreo said...

Bev, thanks so much for visiting my blog! I'm glad you guys enjoy it, and I appreciate your praise! Yes, it really is a great outlet for writing for me. I am not really writing in my journal anymore, actually! Love back to the Joneses from the Redmans! You are dear people! :)

KW said...

Hi Lori

Sorry to hear about your sad day and the
loss of your beloved winged creature.
Hey! I'm back in the blogging world now
as we have returned from vacation...

Claire said...

Loved the title! How clever.

I am sorry for your loss.

This comes with our sympathies, C & B