Yesterday was a pretty decent day, weatherwise. Apparently, I really needed to cool my heels, because I got up late. Chris brought me coffee in bed and kept everyone under control. Then I read the paper in bed for another hour. My Dad needed to get out of the house cuz of a baby shower, so he took the 3 older kids to the waterfront for a walk and then out for lunch. I was itching for something to do out of the house, so Chris and I went to this drive through Greek place and then to a nearby park with William. I got a beef and lamb gyro, which was huge and yummy. I couldn't finish it then, but the portion I couldn't eat tasted great late at night. :) Chris got calamari and chips--it was breaded squid or octopus and fries and some marinara sauce to dip the seafood. It was so good! William had a great time running around chasing sea gulls, jumping in puddles, and playing with the fallen leaves. Then my Dad met us there with the other kids, and they played for awhile, too. Chris has been pretty sick, so he crashed on the couch for the rest of the evening, while I made chicken pot pie, cleaned up the kitchen, and kept the kids under control. I started my couch quilt by hand, cuz I just haven't been able to get to my Mom's house to use her machine! Today, the pastor continued to speak about hope. What I took away from it is, "Keep tying knots in that rope, and keep trusting God!"
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Wow, it's late. I just got finished reading and commenting on peoples' blogs. I'm eating my cheese sandwich and Halloween chocolate the kids brought me from the church shin-dig. Chris woke up sick this morning, but he had to take them to church this evening, anyway, or else there would have been an uprising. Wish they had done the festival on Saturday....or do I? It's a pretty busy, chaotic event where the kiddos and adults (if they want to) get to dress up, play lots of games, get candy, have fun, and see a puppet show with a message. I took them last year, and it was really draining. I told the girls, " Bring a separate bag, and when you get any chocolate, just drop it in and bring it to me." I was kidding, but when I got home, there was actually a sandwich bag with chocolate in it! Yay!!!
I sent the camera with Chris, but he forgot to bring it in. I'll probably post pics of the kids in their costumes in a few days. Monday, we have a pumpkin carving contest for the different departments at work, and I got arm twisted into contributing. They provide huge pumpkins for us. I bought a stencil kit with skinny saws and patterns at the store. I plan to do a headless horseman design. There's also a costume contest, with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! Anybody think I could pass as Napoleon Dynamite if I got a wig, glasses, t-shirt, and moon boots!? Ha ha!! If I won, it would pay for the costume purchases!
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1:10 AM
Friday, October 28, 2005
I've got a headache, and I'm tired, and I cried on the way home from work about a dozen things!!!!! But only briefly. Life is really hard a lot of the time, gosh dang it!!!! But of course, I am extremely thankful for my many blessings. ANYHOO!!!!! Hey, I don't gripe much here, do I?! My real plan was to share what I made for dinner, cuz I know I have a loyal following just waiting for me to share another fresh idea, right?! Ha ha!!!
I invented this years ago and call it "Bean Pasta Goulash." You can really vary it, but basically, you boil up some pasta (I used half a package). While that's cooking, you saute half an onion and a red pepper and some fresh garlic in a good sized, deep saucepan. Tonight, I added a bunch of shredded sun dried tomatoes, 2 cans of drained, rinsed black beans, a can of sliced olives, a cup of shredded cheddar, and the pasta. It was good with garlic salt. Oh, I also added some broccoli, which I boiled with the pasta. This is a colorful, vegetarian, high fiber, low cost meal. At other times, I have used parmesan, basil, and canned, diced tomatoes.
Bon Apetit! And a festive Friday to all! At least, may the end of it be festive!
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12:49 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I was researching the Passover Seder on the Internet today, cuz Zach and I were going over the Exodus and Passover, etc. I found this quote I thought very rich. I don't know exactly what the author was referring to, but he/she was talking about the different meaningful components of the Seder and the history of the slavery and the freedom of being released from it, etc. (Anyone ever celebrate Passover with the traditional Seder?Looks very appealing!)
"A whole vessel can contain its measure, but a broken one can hold the Infinite."
Have you been broken? Or had your heart broken, maybe more than once even? Well look what you can hold now! :)
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1:17 AM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
How to recycle roast beast
Thought I'd share a way I used up leftover roast beef, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. I made Cornish pasties!!!! All I had to do was make the dough, roll it out, cut into 6 inch circles, put the chopped up leftovers in, bake, and enjoy! I added a little water and worcestershire sauce to the innards first, so they were moist and flavorful, not dry and bland. Here's the dough recipe:
2 c. flour
1 tsp salt
3/4 c. shortening
1/3 c. ice water (slightly more if desired)
Combine flour and salt in bowl. Cut in shortening. Add enough water to form dough that will barely stick together. Knead dough on floured surface 4-5 times. Roll it 1/4 thick; cut into 6 inch circles. In center of each circle, place a moderate spoonful of meat and potatoes, onions, and carrots, or whatever you have. (Make sure it has salt and garlic and any other seasonings you want. And don't put a really dry mixture in--it won't get any moister, and dry pasties are not good.) Fold circle in half over filling. Press edges together to seal and crimp edges. Cut slit in top and bake at 400 for 15 min and then turn down to 350 for 30 min.
Posted by
12:23 AM
1 affirmations
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Friday night was a fun one for the kids. The girls got to go to a pizza birthday party and then a sleepover. Zach had a "Royal Rangers" sleepover at the church with his buddies. They got to stay up ALL NIGHT and eat, play video games, play sardines, and other such fun. Most of them really did stay up all night! Zach looked okay, but when the rest of us were ready to go to the park cuz it was such a gorgeous day, we found him on his bed. It was 1:15, and he was dead asleep. I wrote a note telling him what we were doing, with Chris' cell number. I taped it on his shirt, and we left! Had a lovely time at the park. There was this rock jutting out of the water, and there was a gaggle (or whatever) of turtles sunning themselves! It was really cute! Then we got bubble shakes. When we got back 2 hours later, Zach STILL HADN'T WOKEN UP! I went to Walgreen's for a half hour, came back, he was still asleep! That was a four hour nap! One of his buddies went to sleep from 12:00 noon yesterday till 6:00 this morning! Wow! When Zach woke up at twilight yesterday, he thought it was a new day! Glad we took advantage of the nice weather, cuz today is cold and rainy! Argh!
Posted by
3:56 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Dear online diary, before I forget for all time, I wanted to record that William calls his strawberry lemonade "jui-ade." His little friend, a toddler also, calls lemonade "emma-lade."
Was watching the Christian channel a bit this evening, and guess who I saw? Mr. T was talking very enthusiastically about what it means to be a Christian. (How many watched the A Team?) One thing he said that I don't want to forget, though it makes me squirm big time, is not to just tell your friends at church you're thinking of them and "praying for them." He's like (in his no nonsense way, if you know what I mean), "HELP 'EM!!!!!! If they're unemployed, help 'em get a job! Are they not able to buy food?! Help 'em!" (I'm paraphrasing a bit). Of course, we can't help EVERYONE, and prayers ARE worth a lot, but he really has a point! Gulp. Get behind me, selfishness!!
Posted by
10:17 PM
How goes it? I got to bet incredibly late last night and up incredibly late this "morning." Hmmm...It's pretty wonderful to have such self-sufficient kids who don't self-destruct on their own...although William could have used a diaper change and more calories quite a bit earlier than he got them, heh heh.....made some delicious cinnamon rolls from a tube--yum! Chris went to an early morning men's espresso at church and after that to help with a project there. Yes, our church is modern and has an espresso/book shop inside! It's pretty cool, actually. The money made goes toward the church, it's good experience for the youngsters working there, the books are great (there's music, too), and you can meet a friend in there before or after church for a drop of whatever go go juice you like.
Yesterday it was 72 degrees! Wow!! So unexpectedly balmy! Then, in the evening, it got really windy and rainy. I guess there was lightning, but I missed it, because I was stuck in my stall at work. (Don't really have a stall, but my time there is as thrilling as being a tethered cow--groan).
Posted by
12:49 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
What's new
The kiddos have today and tomorrow off from school because of staff meetings. Our van is being repaired right now--there's a leak which is letting out coolant, causing the van to get pretty hot and the heater to not work. Chris has been going through a lot of coolant to keep it topped off. Luckily, Parkland Chevrolet has a shuttle to bring us to and from the place while it's being worked on. I have spent an hour or so there with the kids before, and there isn't much for them to do besides go ga ga over the vending machines.
I had Monday night off because of Columbus Day, but the next night, I worked for seven hours. The banks were actually open Monday, just not the Fed or proof departments! So we pretty much had double work Tuesday. I studied my Medical Transcription course Monday for the first time in weeks. Argh!
I took out the changing table from boys' room--was really sick of it in there. The bottom shelf was collapsed cuz it held books and legos and stuff, and it really irks me to see it collapsed and messy. I sanded my Goodwill find of a dresser and put a coat of paint on it. Also bought some new handles for it. It will go in there once I get the other coat on and hardware on. The boys have been sharing one dresser, and Zach has only had 2 of his own drawers.
Yesterday, I went through my antique 9 patch quilt squares and separated the ones needing patching from the sturdy ones. I ironed the sturdy ones and trimmed them to 3 1/2 inches square. Any that were too small also got rejected. When I put all my good squares together, it looked like a really cute antique doll quilt. If I want to make a twin size quilt, I'll have to repair those other ones, and maybe even add the larger squares from the other set that don't match. Tomorrow, I will go to my Mom's house to do some quilt sewing. I've got the scrap quilt top for couch ready to be sewn together.
Can I brag one second? Zach has amazing aim! He can make bulls eyes no problem with a bow and arrow! Sunday, after church, someone dared him to shoot a clock with his new pistol bb gun. This was a MAN, who thought the bbs were rubber (they're plastic), and he said he'd buy a new clock if it broke! Well, Zach hit the clock and cracked it!
Posted by
12:09 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Life with a 2-year-old
I got a few funny things from my Parenting magazine from an article called "Life with a 2-year-old."
"Spending the day with a 2-year-old is like working for a cranky, hormonal , half-drunk boss. At least at work you'd know when a conflict was brewing. You'd have time to prepare for it and write memos in your defense. But a 2-year-old will just suddenly freak out because you won't let him hold your knife, walk into the street, or put his hand in a dog's mouth.....Another child could be holding a piece of belly button lint, but that would be the piece of belly button lint that Zain couldn't live without.
These days, he's practicing for a career as a professional imit tester. I tell him, 'Don't throw the ball inside.' A minute later, he'll roll the ball a little. Then he'll drop it from an inch off the ground. Still not technically a throw. Then a little bounce. A few minutes later, he'll push the ball in midair. A throw? I never know when he's actually crossed the line. By the time I step in, I'm not sure which of us has actually won that round.......
Every night, as I leave Zain's room, I whisper to him, 'I'm so lucky to have you. You're the best boy in the whole world.' And on most nights, I actually mean it."
Posted by
9:15 AM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Are you exhorting daily?
Time for midnight blogging! I've got a tasty snack to chaw on while I post--ciabatta roll with salsa cream cheese dip and a slice of cheese. Love it! (Those items were bought at Costco).
I washed all my filthy quilt squares in Oxyclean in the washing machine. I think it helped. We'll see for sure when they're dry.
Anyone watch King of the Hill? A hilarious animated show set in Texas? Love that show. One of the characters recently said, "I'm so depressed I can't blink." Thought that was pretty funny, and yet not so funny, cuz that's really the way I feel sometimes, including today. But I was majorly cheered up this evening, unexpectedly. On break at work, I was looking at a newspaper, and the front page had an article about a young, local, onfire pastor. The front page!!! He's "hip," and preaches to a young crowd. He tells it like it is--tells them stuff they really need to hear about sin and morality and the evils of abortion. And they are listening!! He's an onfire guy for God, and the positive ripple effect of it has reached me, and he doesn't even know me, nor has he talked to me personally! Our pastor is just like that, too. This got me to thinking about how the Bible says we should exhort one another daily so we don't get hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. It also got me thinking about how in the last days, the increase of wickedness will cause the love of most to grow cold. It seems that righteousness--seeing it, hearing about it, doing it, is one antidote to the cooling effects of iniquity. So if this is the case, then tomorrow, if nobody comes up to exhort me, maybe I should seek it out? Instead of soaking up the negativity around me with no TRUTH AND LIFE to offset? Be exhorted, all ye that love God, God notices those who sigh and cry against wickedness! Right?!
Peace out
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11:46 PM
Eager beavers, smoky squares, and scorched chickens
It's pretty late, but I feel I must conjure up a new post.....stale blog entries are such eye rolling affairs, aren't they?!
What's new? We had a beautiful day today, thank God, after a rainy weekend. The girls have half days Tuesday through Friday this week cuz of conferences. I went to Jessie's today, and it was pretty gratifying. Even though she struggles some with math and telling time and counting money, she's one of these eager beavers who loves school. (Yessssssss!) She's a great reader and has a good imagination for telling stories. She works hard and wants to do well. God had mercy on me to give me one like her, cuz things are a lot more up hill with Zach. But we're rolling along okay with his homeschooling. I'm still quite deliriously happy with my curriculum choice.
I got my antique quilt squares in the mail yesterday, which I had ordered from ebay. There were 2 sets of 40 quilt squares. They are smoky smelling, dirty, and fragile looking. One set, though, had been sewn together by hand! I was really impressed!!!! Now I'm just trying to figure out how to clean them. Plus, one set has been sewn together quite haphazardly, with really loud color combinations of feed sack pieces. Don't quite know what to do now.....but I did have fun on Saturday turning some old shirts and pants I had been saving into 6 inch squares for a quilt for the couch. I even arranged them on a blanket and pinned them. Now, I just need to sew. So do I make a mad dash a half hour away to Mom's sewing machine, or go old fashioned and sew by hand when I get the chance?
Don't try this at home: Canning pots are not stock pots. I tried making chicken stock with two chickens in a canning pot today, without the wire insert. Well, the part of the chicken touching the bottom of the pan actually scorched!! I still made dinner from this and nobody complained (yay!), but I knew it wasn't 100% okee dokee.
Posted by
12:53 AM