Thursday, September 01, 2005

Well, we all survived the first day of school! It's kinda like turning fuss and fret about it, but then after you're there, it's not a big deal. Zach doesn't have his unit study curriculum yet, but I showed him the website and what it's gonna be like, and now he's really looking forward to it. We then looked at a website that has fabulous art projects. We picked out a paper mache chicken! The one on the site is actually a Native American inspired bird, but Zach really wanted a chicken. He started that today. We reviewed multiplication tables and wrote out ones he struggled with. Then I had him write a bit about what he did this summer and corrected it for capitalization and spelling. William was a champion interrupter, but I actually got my book started and walked on the treadmill at the same time for 15 minutes!

Heard the TV referred to recently as "the Great Life-Suck"! Isn't that great!?

Did you know that Da Vinci said, "Small rooms discipline the mind, large ones weaken it"? I feel very triumphant and disciplined in the mind, then, because we have a house of pretty small rooms! Yay! I think even a lack of storage disciplines the mind, too, because if you see the messes and can't just throw it into a cupboard, you're forced to come up with an intelligent solution. Yes, I am still heady from my recent fall cleaning upstairs. =) I remember watching this show on TV awhile back where this very wealthy family in Arizona was going to build themselves a HUGE, sprawling mansion because they were "outgrowing" their old mansion. And they had only 2 very small kids. I remember commenting to Chris that it must be nice to just build a huge new place to store your ever accumulating stuff rather than sort, get rid of, throw out, and give away your stuff like the rest of us peons!


Anonymous said...

Blogging Hurricane Relief
The devastation that Hurricane Katrina has wrought has been overwhelming and difficult to process.
Hi, Thanks for putting together your interesting blog. I too have a website related to your own. If you are interested, why not visit my vitamin c related web site. I have written just over 100 free articles related to antioxidants, vitamin c, raw food diets, detox and body cleansing. You may use post any of my articles on your site as long as you provide a working html link back to me.

Loreo said...

I could spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to delete that comment, or I could just say--thanks for the spam, jerk!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha!

Thanks jerk, because I have never seen a spam one before! How interesting. Everyone just deletes them automatically, leaving me to wonder WHat or who was deleted! I 've never gotten one. What a novel idear--the spam that is, although of course incredibly frustrating for you, when you think it is a real and interesting person who has commented....yes I do like this being silly from a distance as you mentioned. Quite a lotta fun...
YOu'll have to remind me sometime, what I had to say in those letters from the days of yore:)

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha!

Thanks jerk, because I have never seen a spam one before! How interesting. Everyone just deletes them automatically, leaving me to wonder WHat or who was deleted! I 've never gotten one. What a novel idear--the spam that is, although of course incredibly frustrating for you, when you think it is a real and interesting person who has commented....yes I do like this being silly from a distance as you mentioned. Quite a lotta fun...
YOu'll have to remind me sometime, what I had to say in those letters from the days of yore:)

Booker said...

Yay for spambots! Means there is still room in the "hot" place for the programmers who made them.

that is why I haven't put up the "w-ident" or wident for short :) thing yet. I want spam, so God can see it and punish the creators of the bots. Hahahahaha. Kind of twisted I guess.

Anyway, thanks for your comment on my blog. I just laughed and laughed and it really helped get me out of my funk. So thanks.

Do you mind if I add you to my links list? it is
just makes it easier for me to have a whole page of links separate from my actual blog. Let me know if you DON'T want to be on it.


Loreo said...

Ryu, I was wondering when you'd visit my blog! I'm happy I could make you laugh, and I'd be honored to be on your links list! =) If I ask what "w-ident" is, will the answer cross my eyes?

KW said...

hi again!

sorry for the error in posting twice. At first I thought of apologizing right away, but didn't want to cause further frustration by seeing that I had posted THRICE!
Anyway was writing to get your email address. If youd rather not post it here, you can just write me and tell me..mine's:

Booker said...

wident=word verification. I just call it word identification, besides, wident sounds cooler than, say, wv :)

Loreo said...

Karena, my address is Happy Labor Day! Oh, you probably don't have that "holiday" there, do you? Well, happy Monday! (Some would call that an oxymoron....)

Kristi said...

Oh, my goodness, Lori! This must be a record -- 10 comments on one of your blogs! Things are looking up on The Redman Record! :-D