Tuesday, July 12, 2005

A little joke I actually remembered

Our pastor told this joke on Sunday:
A little boy had just been put to bed by his dad. A few minutes later, he called out, "Dad, can I have a drink of water? " Dad-"No, son, I asked you if you wanted any and you said no. You've lost your chance, now go to sleep." A few minutes later, the boy calls out again, "Dad, I'm really thirsty--can't you bring me a glass of water?" Dad-"Son, I said NO! Don't ask me again!" The persistent lad..."PLEASE, Dad!!" Dad-"No means no! Ask again and I will come in there and give you a spank!!" Silence for a moment. Then, "When you come in to spank me, could you bring me a glass of water?"


Claire said...

Just thought I would let you know that last night i tried out the Couscous Chicken Artichoke Concoction you posted the other day...and it was SUPERBLY MARVELOUS. Thanks again! I have a feeling this dish is going to be showing up rather a lot in our kitchen.

Loreo said...

So glad you liked it, Claire! I added cut up chicken to my couscous leftovers, and ate it warmed with ranch dressing tonight--good!