Friday, September 22, 2006

Strong opinion ahead

"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion." Proverbs 11:22
What made me think of this harsh? proverb was this beautiful, classy 40-something checker at the grocery store....she had a guy's barbed wire type tattoo on her ample(I didn't say muscular) bicep. Why?!?!?! Gold ring, pig's, lady's bicep. Made me want to snort and make oinking sounds!!

How many chiropractors does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Just one, but it takes 9 visits!! Har har!!


JJ said...

Did you hear the one about the cannibal who wouldn't eat the clown?

He tasted funny!

No discretion whatsoevah! =)

Claire said...

Ha haaaaaa! You are so funny! You KNOW the Bible is engrained in your mind when you think of a Proverb in that kind of situation...

Loreo said...

Thank you, Claire, that is a compliment. Now if I can figure out how to get the Bible engrained on the next generation of Redmans...Janelle, still trying to be the blog class clown, eh? Well keep it up!!!!