Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I thought it would be interesting to let you know the contents of Zach's pants pockets as I went to do the wash. He is notorious about having his pockets stuffed and not removing them before throwing them in the hamper. There was a chain leash for the dog, a knife, $6.00, a black plastic tube, and 2 plastic cockroaches. That sounds so typically boyish that you would think I made it up, but I didn't!!

In other news, the crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin is dead!!! Wah!!! Stingray sting to the heart.

I have a pinched nerve in one of my discs in lower back which has been causing me a lot of sciatic pain. I'm supposed to wear a heel lift, but how do you wear a heel lift with flip flops? I actually lost mine the first day cuz I was unsmart enough to try! Chiropractor will hopefully get me out of pain soon.

School starts tomorrow. Zach will be going to the local middle school rather than home schooling. Tonight will be a long one at work cuz of it being after the holiday, and then I have to get Zach to the school by 8:00 and the girls to their school at 8:50. A new chapter indeed.

Yesterday, we went to 5 mile Lake near our church with some church folks. It was a beautiful day, and the kids swam, there was volleyball, bbq, bocce, badminton, good fellowship. For a treat, I brought coke in bottles and Jones soda in bottles. Farewell, summer, you were wonderful, as always.


Mrs. RF said...

Blessings on you all as you start your new chapter!

ljm said...

Crikey, it's a sad day...