Wednesday, October 04, 2006

William cracked me up yesterday when we were at this lake taking a walk. He tumbled down a dirt trail and immediately said, with his usual passion, "Stupid dirt!! I HATE YAT DIRT!!" It was SO FUNNY!! Today, he asked to be picked up, and I don't know how it started, but we had a priceless little talk about Heaven and why we're not there already and how we have to die first. He wanted to know why we couldn't be HOME yet!!! I hadn't mentioned the word home--I almost got chills!! He believes the way we'll get there is by a rocket. And Jesus will have toys, candy, and gum and will take care of us. So that's that. Now you know.


Kristi said...

LOL! That's great. And talk about the faith of a child. Would we all believed so simply.

ljm said...

Good to know some more details...finally! Ethan has some funny ideas about heaven too. He asked me the other day if there was a rug on top of the clouds.

Loreo said...

Kristi, sometimes I practice being a child regarding Heaven. Just yesterday, I was thinking, "I hope I get, not diamonds, but a piece of Italy on my mansion grounds, for just enduring, for just doing the dang laundry and all the other thankless chores." And when I do the right thing and no one "knows," I like to imagine points in Heaven--like KACHING!! Another 1/2 acre with a stream!! Liane, this preschool age is the priceless one for what kids think and say, eh?

Jill said...

That's so interesting that you just had that conversation with Will about heaven, because just today in the car Chloe started talking about heaven, hoping God would have juice boxes there for her. This sparked quite a long discussion. Somehow most of the talk was about the food we would eat up there, but we also talked about how God is there as well as here on earth with us. It's amazing how early kids are able to grasp these truths.

Mrs. RF said...

Now we know! Yes, Will...Jesus will take care of us!