Tuesday, October 31, 2006

At dinner, William was having a hard time eating his green beans. Everyone else was done, and he was still struggling. We even put parmesan cheese on them. I was being firm and telling him he had to eat them and wasn't going to get down until he did. (And they are GOOD green beans--tender, long, fancy style). Well, for some reason, he asks me for a piece of paper. He just recently got into decorating paper. So he finds the printer paper, gets a pencil, and "writes" a jagged, squiggly, long line. He shows it to me and tells me he wrote "No" on it. (Regarding the injunction to eat the beans). I reminded him that he WAS going to eat the beans. He then said, "Now it says, 'Yeah.'" Unbelievable!!


ljm said...

Ha! So funny what they will come up with.

Kristi said...

Talk about a battle of the Will!

JJ said...

Woreo, where art thou?