At dinner, William was having a hard time eating his green beans. Everyone else was done, and he was still struggling. We even put parmesan cheese on them. I was being firm and telling him he had to eat them and wasn't going to get down until he did. (And they are GOOD green beans--tender, long, fancy style). Well, for some reason, he asks me for a piece of paper. He just recently got into decorating paper. So he finds the printer paper, gets a pencil, and "writes" a jagged, squiggly, long line. He shows it to me and tells me he wrote "No" on it. (Regarding the injunction to eat the beans). I reminded him that he WAS going to eat the beans. He then said, "Now it says, 'Yeah.'" Unbelievable!!
Ha! So funny what they will come up with.
Talk about a battle of the Will!
Woreo, where art thou?
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