Friday, November 17, 2006

Wow, have I ever been neglectful of sharing news!

Zach is now being home-schooled again...scramble, scramble! Public middle school was a hideous experiment for him. I had just gotten used to enjoying more time to get things done! We're continuing with Math-U-See he hadn't finished from last year, as well as Adventures in Learning he hadn't finished. I just ordered the new Adventures in Learning today. God give me grace. Amen.

I have been working on a mural at church in the sunday school room where I teach. I didn't design it, but transferred a lot of it to the wall from some overhead projector pictures. It's kind of a spacey/Jetsons kind of thing. I am also almost done with my self-portrait in oil. I decided a few days ago, Doh!! Chris's birthday is the 22nd! I better get that done and framed and give it to him!! I'll share pics of it and mural when done. (He has actually seen it except for the background). So, yesterday, I neglected Zach and William and everything for a few hours, which is what it takes--oh how I love the guilt--and used the best of my brain and creativity to do a cool background and paint more of the shirt. I have a little left to do, but I was pleased as punch to have gotten done what I did. Zach was totally unresentful. I crammed in some school after that.

Nicest thing said to me this week, by Zoe: That I was the best Mom and the prettiest Mom there was. This was so sweet, because I usually feel tired, stressed, overwhelmed, haggard, aging, out of shape, pulled in a million different directions, guilty for not being and doing better. Thank you, God. Thank you, Zoe.

Tomorrow night I am going to have Mother-in-Law over for a pre-faux-Thanksgiving meal since we'll be at fam's Thursday. I am going to try this dry brine roasted turkey and make a very fancy pumpkin pie.

Love and peace to you.


Kristi said...

Aren't kids so forbearing in some ways? Maybe Zoe's love language is words of affirmation.

Love and peace to you, too!

Mrs. RF said...

Good to getupdated on your world. Nice that the Lord sends words of affirmation when we need them! Good for Zoe!