Friday, June 16, 2006

Bear Prayer

I read this joke in Country magazine, and thought for sure I could remember it and tell it to my family. Well, I proceeded joyfully, and absolutely forgot the main part altogether. My Mother and I are both mentally retarded when it comes to telling jokes. (Bless her heart). I did NOT inherit my Father's Irish joke or story telling ability, unfortunately. I actually had to tear the joke out so I could tell it to my family properly and share it with you.

A Minister was hiking in the woods one day when he came face-to-face with a huge grizzly bear. Knowing he couldn't outrun the beast, he dropped to his knees and prayed: "Oh Lord, have mercy on your humble servant. If I could ask only one thing, please make this bear a Christian." The minister heard a noise and looked up just as the bear dropped to its knees with a thud and folded its front paws as in prayer. Awestruck by the miracle he had just witnessed, the minister heaved a huge sigh of relief. Then the bear began to speak: "Lord, bless this meal that I am about to receive..."


ljm said...

Ha, ha...I can never remember jokes either!

JJ said...

That ain't very Christian! =)

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Chuckle, Snicker! 8~)