Saturday, January 14, 2006

Okay, okay, Kristi, a new post is forthcoming! :)

Our computer was out of commission for a few days being de-virused. We now have more protection and a different browser. Hopefully things will go more smoothly now.

What is like unto a Saturday where the sun actually pokes its head out already and you're still in your jammies at 12:45!? Chris is leaving for a friend's house to watch the important football game. Zach spent the night at a friend's house last night, and friend's sister slept here. We're pretty much forcing Zach to shower and nap, and he's not happy about it. He had stayed up really late, of course. Wednesday, Grampa took him and a few other boys on a tour of an aircraft carrier. Zach came back in a great mood. It was great for him to have the monotony of studying broken by a GUY EXCURSION.

What am I supposed to do about this rabbit? No really--any suggestions? (I'm calling it Fluffer Nutter, and yes, the coloring actually does look like marshmallow fluff and peanut butter!) I'm kindhearted and martyrish enough to let it run around the house to exercise, but Chris can't stand it and says its unhygienic and "How many times do I have to put my foot down about this?!" Of course I clean up after the rabbit really well, but if it messes an area and Chris gets to it first, that's not cool. It's cold and wet outside, and we only have a small cage. This shouldn't be my problem it should be Zach's. But all animal issues become my issues because I am responsible and caring, and kids can't really be trusted. Supposedly you can get rabbit leashes at Petco!

Yesterday we had an injured starling stay for a few hours. I think the cat had tackled it. Zach rescued it and cleaned off a bite mark with hydrogen peroxide. We calmed it down, let it rest, gave it some seeds. The neat part was when the rabbit and the starling were sharing an apple! He perked up and was hopping around the room, so I let him go. He flew with a crooked tail to a nearby tree and watched us for a bit as if to say, "Thanks, mates!"

True story: the mother of the boy Zach was with was trying to explain about Communion to her 3-year-old, telling him it represented the Body of Christ. He looked at his little piece of cracker and said, "I think I got the skin!"


Kristi said...

Yay, a new post! We're so obviously sisters in the animal issues. I'm sure I'll be the same way about fiercely protecting my pets from my kids carelessness and husband's complaints. It's good training for them, though. Responsibility, gentleness, and all that good stuff.

Jill said...

How did that animal-loving gene skip me? If it was my house I never would have let the rabbit out of the cage in the first place, and if I had, at the first sign of trouble he would have been back in that cage! You two are much more merciful toward animals. I envy you that! To me animals are just a nuisance most of the time.

Booker said...

I don't understand. You both[kristi and lori] say it is "good for teaching them responsibility" and whatnot. Then you end up doing all the work :)

If I have kids, and they want a pet, they can have one, if they take care of him. If I find my wife doing it, we're having rabbit stew for dinner, heh, heh, heh...

Loreo said...

Yah, Derrick, you're right about how the kid is not really taking all the responsibility when I end up doing a lot of the work. He does do plenty, though. I have a horror story from my youth that makes me more willing than some Moms to chip in. I had pet rets kept in a shed, and my Mom would ask me if I'd fed them. I was the world's worst procrastinator and would often say, "I will!" and then not do it. Well, one rat got out of his locked cage and ate the other one! I was telling Chris the other day that if it was sports or music or anything else my son happened to be crazy about, I'd be equally supportive of that, to the best of my ability. (I just had Zach put the rabbit away, cuz it started gnawing on a wooden shoe holder. Stupid rabbit!)

Booker said...

Oh gross! that is so COOL tho :-) heh, heh, heh...