Drum roll, please!! I returneth!!! Thanks for putting the pressure on, Jazzy Gazelle!!! I'm feeling REALLY sociable, and this is my only outlet at 2:51 a.m.
SO......we are in our new house, as of 2 weeks ago. Surreal. No, I don't have pictures available yet. I don't even have the camera figured out, nor do I really know where the manual is, or how to turn off the italics I just inadvertantly turned on. Someone is buying our house, I don't know who. I have to get the last of our speege out tomorrow.
Three deer came through our backyard last evening at twilight--they were so beautiful!! I expected a lot of bird activity and song, but it is less birdy here than in Tacoma. I don't get it. We are up against woods and trail. WHERE'S THE BIRDS!!! SHOW ME THE FEATHERS!!!
I was so tired and apparently dopey on my way home this evening (late) that I stopped at the gate(!) to punch in my code, not even realizing that the gate was already open, and some punky whippersnappers tore around the idiot that was me to get through. Another blonde moment, of which I have had WAY TOO MANY lately. The night before I got pulled over for going too fast through town. It's a small, quaint town, and speeding is noticed. Thankfully, he let me off with just a warning!
Thank you for your support of this blog. You are loved by me, and you are going to have an awesome Saturday and Sunday. Give me lots of complimentary comments or my dog will snort and flap her ears in a most peeving and uncatlike, unsophisticated manner.
hmmm, were those "special" peanut m&m's? cause this post was something else! :-)
welcome back to the blogosphere...
So exciting about your new move...can't wait to see pictures!
You must be exhausted!
Hooray for your new house and your return to blogdom! Looking forward to pics.
Yes, I am looking forward to pics! so happy for you.. and welcome back to blogging!!!
It's GREAT to hear from you again! Glad the moving is behind you. Congratulations!
Did you hear about the recall on M&M's?
Thank you, my lovely friends, for the blog world warm welcome and congratulations! RECALL ON SPECIAL PEANUT M & Ms?!?!?! NOOOOO!!!!
Hmm...now I know what blogs written at 3 in the morning are like! :-P Glad you're back.
(Yes, the speed limits around here are annoying.)
Yay! So glad you're back to blogging and that you're in your beautiful new house. I can't wait to see it! Maybe this spring...
hi Lori! Love your new haircut:)
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