Thursday, February 22, 2007

Puddleglum's my name, believing's my game

Max the cat is behind the computer monitor, purring and snooping around. He thinks he's so clever and oh so much more agile than the dog.

Our family got the flu that's so chic right now. I was mostly on the couch last Wednesday through Sunday. I'm now up and around but blowing my nose and coughing up lungs. The lowgrade fever was really starting to affect my mind. Monday was nice, though. Kristi took the 3 older kids ice skating, which was wonderful of her. I worked on a couple of quilting projects at the fam's. I got my Mom, me, and William some Subway sandwiches, and then we decided to go to the Old Cannery furniture store to browse their selections. The neighboring town of Sumner is adorable, and I forgot about Main Street(?) with its antique shops and bakeries and Italian cafes. One of my favoritest things in the world is cute shops and charming eateries. So I got to browse a New Englandy style antique shop, which was very hot and very fragrant with lots of highly scented candles. I loved it. Monday really perked me up in spite of the very rainy, windy, cold weather. Tuesday, I spent the whole day clothes shopping at Goodwill, Ross, and Old Navy. I go 4 weeks without buying anyone anything, and in that time, people have outgrown stuff, and I also have to throw things away. Sheesh!!!

I'll be honest--this moving thing has been an extreme adjustment. I'm not used to the new routine. I'm still thrown for a loop by everything. I didn't realize what a creature of familiar routine and comfort I was. I also didn't realized how low my nerve reserves were. But, like Puddleglum, I know there is a sun up there. I know it WILL BE SUMMER in only a matter of months, even though it looks and feels like there has never been a summer in this most awful time of year.


Mrs. RF said...

Ah of the "joys" of moving is getting into new routines. Takes awhile! Nice to hear an update!

Claire said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean about longing for summer...There IS beauty out there- it IS coming!

Claire said...
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