Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This morning, I asked William to get me the butter out of the fridge. He brought me a stick of the real thing, but what I wanted was the kind in the big round tub. So I said, "Get me the kind in the tub." I didn't think he really knew what I meant, and sure enough, a minute later, he came back with this butter yellow bar of soap I kept on the master bath tub!!! True story!!!

Why do people ask me if I'm German, out of the blue? Years ago, a stranger in the checkout line at Safeway asked me that. Last night, at work, I sat in a different spot, and this girl I never talk to asked me the same thing. I don't get it. Are they actually thinking of the words "stern Nazi" when they ask? Or BRATwurst? I don't dress like the St. Pauli girl. What about me invites that question? Maybe this "fraulein" doesn't want to know.


Booker said...

you should respond with
"oy vey!" ;-)

I'd laugh anyway...

Linds said...

That sems about as random as when someone asked my last name, and then said, "Oh, are you related to James Earl Jones??"
YUP - he's my grandfather! I got my blonde hair and blue eyes from him!
Here's your sign :)

Mrs. RF said...

I love the William story! Cute!

Loreo said...

Linds, the person who asked you that question must have been REALLY BLONDE. DJ, I didn't even think that maybe they meant Jewish. Hmmm! Mrs rf, 4 is the perfect age for those hilarious stories of kids learning how to make connections!

Kristi said...

Ha! What an insult! I mean, we don't have a drop of German blood in us! Maybe it's the blonde hair and angular features. And no-nonsense personality.

I've only been asked about being Jewish.

Booker said...

Actually, I was thinking of the whole juxtaposition of Jews/Germans. Hmm, I guess I'd better rethink my strategy here...

lis said...

Don't worry DJ - I think "oy vey" comes from Yiddish, and that's a mixture of Hebrew and German.

Kristi, don't you remember being asked if you are French when you were over here? :O)

Lori, they just mean "tall, blonde, and beautiful!" :O)