Monday, July 31, 2006

I am actually still here. My life didn't freeze even though my blog would look like that was the case. I was looking through the ads in the paper yesterday, and one department store had this shirt that made me laugh: "No one cares about your blog!!!" Ha ha! Ouch!!

Well, what's happening, you say? Our weather cooled down from "I'm meltinggggggg!!!" to "Shut that door, it's cold!" We actually had the heater on this weekend. I have done as little as possible since Friday. I reached some kind of limit with the heat, the errands, the people, the kids' friends, the summer FUN, the go go go, the shopping, the work. I woke up with my back in a lot of pain Friday, and it still isn't 100%. What a drag. What's sad is that yesterday at church, we had a time of hands on healing for those who needed it. But I didn't raise my hand high enough or long enough to get enough people around me lay their hands on me and pray for me. Wretched shyness. But this chap from youth group had his color blindness healed over the weekend at a church youth camp, so that was exciting!

I haven't had such a low key weekend since I don't know when. I didn't go any where, I watched a lot of TV, I didn't tackle anything, I "rested my back" a lot. I have another 2 weeks of vacation starting today. I couldn't even tackle making a camping reservation for this vacation. I'd like to snap out of this funk. Gosh!! Yesterday, Chris and Zach got to go fishing in the Sound with some people at church in their new boat. No fish, but it was fun for them. Oh, I did too tackle something this weekend. Chris brought home a cd/media holder, because we have nothing to hold our stuff. The cds and dvds (bvds, as Chris likes to say) have been piled in leaning towers of Pisa on the stereo, upstairs, by the computer, on the mantle, etc. So now everything is organized and in it's place, where the treadmill was. Now where to put the amazing I'm going to use this to lose weight I really am treadmill? It's standing there, awkwardly, at attention, in a dumb spot. I tried a few days ago to get a different picture for my profile, but I couldn't get the pasting of the photos url line to work. I don't know why. It didn't like the characters or something--too many. Where's the Geek Squad!?!?!


JJ said...

You don't have to like waffles for dinner and I'll still think you are cooler than I'll ever be. =)

BVDs...I'll have to try that one on for size. Jeff will like it.

ljm said...

I want one of those T-shirts!

Loreo said...

Janelle, keep telling me sweet little lies, kay? Liane, those t-shirts came from the juniors department at Penneys. Do you have Penneys there? I could go to the mall and look for you if you seriously-lee want one. Medium or large?

ljm said...

thanks for the offer Lori...I'm not all that serious about it although I do like the idea. We do have Penneys here I think so I'll look out for it here...

Claire said...

I'm going to look for that T-shirt too!

The old lady I boarded with in college called them bvd's too...Har har har!

And a heater? I think I remember what that is...

Mrs. RF said...

I echo Clarie's comment about thinking that she remembers heaters. The word sounds familiar....

If I need a heater now, I just have to poke my nose outside....or climb into my car that has been sitting in the sun all day....or venture into our garage...

ljm said...

You might need to re-size the picture? I can't quite remember...blogger help has some good suggestions sometimes. I ain't no geek squad!

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

The shirt---chuckle!