Monday, July 17, 2006

These are pictures from our camping trip to Taidnapam campground. Chris and I jumped from the bridge you see. I had to take my glasses off, so that made it even scarier than it already was. I think my heart is beating faster just writing about it. Pure terror in mid-air, exhilarating after catching my breath!

We had such a great, relaxing time. We went with some good friends and laughed a lot. The weather was perfect, the swimming wonderful, the dog did well. Exhaustion and grumpiness hit me like a ton of bricks when I got home, but I got a lot of sleep, which helped. We actually brought some salmon to cook for the first time. It was yummy, as is everything by a campfire! There was a playground right near the campsite for the kiddies, and a bathroom with shower! YAY! We brought an inflatable raft with oars, and that was fun to row around in. Today--laundry! Dishes! Back to work tonight!! Today, I am another year wiser and younger at heart. Merry birthday to me!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my precious first-born!! How well I remember the day - and how much I love you still!!!!


Kristi said...

Happy Birthday!! Glad you had a great time camping.

JJ said...

Stop it, Madge, you're making me get all teary. Happy Birthday, Lori Abram! Hope you have a great day! Give your ownself a hug and a pinch to grow an inch.

ljm said...

Happy birthday...glad you had a good trip!

Mrs. RF said...

Ah, yes, Happy Birthday!

Loreo said...

Thank you so much friends and loved ones who commented, called and sent cards! Love you all! :)

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ol' 'Lanche sez Happy Birthday atchyer! So does the Cowpoke... 8~)

Claire said...

Looks like a gorgeous spot! Happy Belated Bday!