Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bounty to be

William--"I DO IT!!!!!" He was actually having a mutiny about our bounty to be (vegetable planting). He wanted to help NOW, constantly. ("How about if I tear open these seeds and just sprinkle them all over? Do you need a shovel now? How 'bout if I cultivate those corn plants you just planted?)

I made an enjoyable trip to Portland Avenue Nursery and bought seeds and vegetable starts for the raised bed Chris made for me last summer! William was whiny, hungry, and demanding, but he did get to help plant pea seeds and nasturtium seeds. I bought peas, green beans, broccoli, green onion, and lettuce from seed. I planted corn starts and celery starts for the first time ever. There are 2 Brandywine tomatoes and 1 patio tomato in there. There are 3 pumpkin plants and 6 bush cucumbers. The peas and beans are both bush varieties, so I don't have to worry about supporting them. I planted the nasturtiums in the border and put giant sunflower seeds in my old empty raised bed, with nasturtiums for border. I am pretty happy about this! The new bed has had only the 3 dwarf blueberries in it for so long now! The picture looks pretty bare, but it is full of God's nums. I will do updates--it should fill out beautifully--it gets really warm and sunny there. I am sorry you have to crane your neck to see that left photo. I didn't turn it. Oops!


Booker said...

here's to hoping he keeps that "helping" attitude later on thru life :-)

ljm said...

wow! you are ambitious...keep us updated on the harvest.

Mrs. RF said...

Sounds like fun! Enjoy the fruit of your labors- and yes, keep us posted on the progress! Will looks so precious1

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Hey Loreo---that's a real nice lookin' garden spot you've got! Have fun with it!!!

Jill said...

You ARE ambitious. I'm proud of you. Almost makes me want to start my own vegetable garden full of God's "nums." Almost. Maybe one of these days.

Loreo said...

Jill, you could do something simple and easy to start with like a big salad veggies container, with a tomato, lettuce, green onions, some carrots, and some marigolds.

Jill said...

Hey, I just got your play on words in the 1st paragraph of your blog--William's mutiny about the bounty. Pretty darn good, I must say!

lis said...

I agree with Jill about the pun! :O)

KW said...

You go girl!