Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April is springtastic!!!

Saturday night, Chris and I went out to dinner to celebrate our 13th anniversary. We went to this Argentine restaurant I had read a good review about. I wanted to try something different. I was actually so disappointed by how noisy and small and crowded it was (and the review did warn me), that Chris was nervous. But once my meal came, I was transformed! I hope I never forget how amazing it tasted. It was a skirt steak that was a long strip, threaded curvily like a snake onto a metal skewer and mesquite grilled. It came with a large, juicy prawn, and a chorizo sausage(didn't like that). It was served on polenta, which was fine textured, a little spicy, smoky, cheesy? and dressed with some kind of fresh diced tomato topping/salsa. They gave us a free dessert, which was a piping hot chocolate lava cake with a scoop of possibly homemade vanilla ice cream. I was painfully full when I left, but very happy. I even had leftovers!

A bumper sticker I saw recently: Lord, please help me to be the person my cat thinks I am. Har har!!

I am so digging the spring and the fresh air and flowers and blossoms and hardly having any hay fever symptoms!

Eye roller: So many ads now, for even food, furniture, clothes, feature people with mp3 players to show how up-to-date/modern/savvy/cool/relevant/youthful they are. I am slow to jump on most bandwagons, and this annoys me (so I secretly want an Ipod, and don't have one. So what!)

Coloring Easter eggs seems more boring every year. The vinegar water colors are so pale. What if I want bright dark red? Maybe I will paint the ones I hardboiled with bright acrylic paints, hide them in the yard when the girls get home from school, and then make egg salad sandwiches with them. Not looking forward to the onslaught of sugar this weekend. I'm not even buying any sugar nums, but the kids will be getting them. And everyone will get more cavities and become hyper, and I'll eat more than I wanted to. Yeah, like I'm still lifting weights. I wish I was able to keep that up. I should be. I believe in it. It's not the easiest thing getting 6 people to a warehouse (Chris' work) once a week and trying to concentrate, stay motivated, and keep everybody safe and happy. Argh! Still doing treadmill at 12:00 when my favorite show comes on, whenever I can. Medical transcription gets neglected so much. It's also pretty hard sometimes. I believe I am so tired, I am rambling quite a bit and becoming boring. Good night, or good morning, as the case may be for you, dear reader.


ljm said...

Congrats on 13 yrs! Glad you had a nice dinner out...

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Yay for 13 years!!! ...that dessert sounds very good indeed! Have fun with the eggs... ...I always liked the egg salad sandwiches for days after... 8~)

Mrs. RF said...

Wow, has it really been 13 years! I have lots of neat memories of that day. Blessings on you both.

And enjoy your spring and flowers and all that good stuff that happens this time of year.

Booker said...

Congrats on lucky number 13 :-)

and I commiserate about the treadmill. Even with watching anime while I do it as an incentive, I still find it VERY easy to "justify" not doing it, lol...

KW said...

Hey Lori-how funny that I just posted about eggs and now just read yours. You're right about the pale colors...hmmm. I left one in the vinegar dye even overnight and it was STILL pale! I blew out the eggs first, and that was kind of a pain, but rather do it that way I guess. The restuarant sounded fun! I love polenta.