Sunday, December 18, 2005

Yesterday, our family celebrated the end of Zach's 30 days of Greek studies. My parents and Kristi joined us for "Olympics," Zach's recital of Psalm 139, a puppet show, and a Greek dinner. We were supposed to do a big thing for the end of our Egypt studies, a Passover seder, to be precise. But I would rather do that in spring. Zach did a really great job memorizing the Psalm. He didn't think he could do it, but I told him that Olympic champions wouldn't win with that kind of attitude, and that he COULD do it. This is the longest thing he's ever memorized. I am so proud of him! Chris videotaped everything. I talked a bit about the ancient Olympics, and then Zach and I did a little play. We used this little colorful folding stage with a curtain and put it on the piano bench. The play was something Zach had to write based on an ancient Greek myth or legend of his choice. He picked the story of Daedulus and Icarus. We made cardboard characters with popsicle sticks and acted out what he had written. It was fun! Then the kids all came parading out--Zach had a homemade Greek flag, Jessie had a homemade torch. We did "chariot races" where the bigger kids wore this toy jingle bell harness and Will was the rider. They took turns taking off, with Will sitting on his rear on the wood floor and suddenly being RACED forward! They did a javelin throw with a long skinny beef jerky; there was Greco-Roman thumb wrestling, running on the treadmill, and the long jump. They all got "olive leaf crowns" when they were done (small silk ivy wreath).

Dinner was really good--I got three Greek recipes off the internet--stuff I hadn't made before. We had Greek salad, Souvlakia, and Baklava. Different fare, and delicious! It seemed kind of summery cuz Chris barbecued the marinated chicken cubes (the stores didn't have any lamb) and there was plenty of veggies like tomatoes, cukes, green peppers.

After dinner, we watched "A Merry Christmas Bean" movie, which was quite funny. Tonight at 6:00 we'll go to the Christmas program at Church. Tomorow night is Jessie's class program at school, and since I have all week off, we'll all be able to go--yay!


Jill said...

Lori, that sounds like so much fun! You are such a good mom. Zach will never forget the things he's learning and experiencing through this program. Yay for unit studies. Kids sure seem to love them. I've done a few minor ones with Jed but want to do more, like maybe KONOS someday. There are so many great programs and curriculi (sp?) out there. I just got Jed a program we're going to start in January called Little Hearts for His Glory that covers everything, is centered around the Bible, and requires very little prep. It looks fabulous. I can't wait to get started! So glad you found something that works for Zach.

Loreo said...

Aw, shucks, you guys! Janelle....tears?! I know you and Jill are both hard-working, dedicated mothers, too! Jill, that Little Hearts for His Glory sounds neat! Janelle, how's the house hunting?

KW said...

All I can say is Wow! What great memories for the kids, and they will have a written and photo record of all this too! ALL with CHRISTMAS just around the corner. Double wow.

pennyjean said...

When I grow up, I want to be a mom just like you! I'll probably look back on your blog for ideas!

Claire said...

I still remember some of the things we did during homeschool with KONOS. Andrew and I made a big castle out of cardboard once...Great memories!

Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

Booker said...

My goodness! Those are gonna be memories he will NEVER forget. Nice job *pats you on the back*