Thursday, July 14, 2005

Well, it's been a few days, and I need to freshen up my blog! I don't really have anything fabulous I've been dying to record...It's a beautiful morning. Zach's outside doing his math. After that he'll do language. We're keeping up with these two "R's." Will is looking at his new Nemo sticker book. He's obsessed with Nemo. The stickers are reusable, and to him, every single character from that movie is "Nemo," the shark, Dory, etc. He's over by the couch chatting with the sticker book, saying "Nemo" this and that over and over and over again. In about a second I'm going to get up for some Advil. Down the street there is some jackhammering going on by some city crews. This is punctuated by William's rather regular, dry cough. It sounds like a fake cough. Argh! The girls are at summer school. They both had field trips to the Tacoma Art Museum this week, where they did some neat art projects.
Last night, Zach went to Royal Rangers at church, and Jessie went to Stars. Zoe was pretty sick with a sore throat, so she didn't go. Jessie's group had a cooking contest where they had to bring something they made. We made a fabulous little concoction that won Grand Prize! She was hoping she'd win, and she was so proud she did! I remember when I was few years younger than her in school, and there was this coloring contest--just on coloring book pages. Well, I got either first or second place, or else I tied with this other boy, and boy was that a heady victory for a young'un! :) So what we made was something I had seen in Family Fun magazine awhile back when I was waiting for my oil to be changed. You make these edible snails--the body is a small pickle. The "shell" is tortilla, cream cheese, and lunch meat, rolled up, then sliced. You then toothpick it to the pickle. The antennae were green onions that were inserted into little slits. Adorable!
Last night, I slept on the couch, because at 12:30, I was still too wakeful for our warm, upstairs room. If you turn on the fan above the bed you get a breeze, but it's loud. I got this new coffee from Costco, and it definitely has way more caffeine than the last kind. It's keeping me wakeful too long when I drink if after dinner as usual. Must adjust. So, I'm trying to sleep on the couch with the front door ajar for some cool breeze. I turned off the front porch light. It's 1:15, and I'm finally feeling sleepy enough to really go night night, when I heard, distinctly, our front picket gate latch shut! Well, I had already shut it when I got home from work, as always. I heard no footsteps on the gravel or the grass or the front walk. The neighbors dogs didn't bark, and when I grabbed my glasses and looked out front, I saw nothing. My heart was beating soooo hard! A few minutes later, our cat came out to the front door and sat on the front mat and very placidly sat there viewing his domain. I don't know what the deal was--it was not a windy night. But I prayed for safety and SLEEP and finally did get it. I don't care one bit for night noises, especially in the midst of reading a very gripping, sometimes scary book. (The Living Blood by Tananarive Due, a sequel to My Soul to Keep--excellent books!)
Anyhoo, I need to get going--errands and cleaning and watering and showering.
Don't touch that dial! We'll be right back after these messages!


Kristi said...

Congrats, Jessie!

KW said...

Don't scare me! It's dark outside and Charlie's away, and I'm sitting here reading your blog....OK, I'm still said not to touch that dial! When are you
coming back?

Mrs. RF said...

Jessie's concoction sounds cute! yeah for her! Sorry about the night noises - and too much caffeine. If I drink chai tea much after noon I am done for. So, I can empathize.

Love hearing about your days!

ljm said...

I too hate those night noises...they play tricks with your sanity. Usually I try to blame it on our cats...